Wednesday, April 28, 2010


We're almost half way! This week Steven felt the baby move for the first time! Tuesday night I was sitting and my computer and the baby was hitting me really hard so I grabbed his hand and he felt it! Little one has been active very consistantly through the day and night. The belly band technique isn't working very well on my clothes anymore so I think it will be time to officaly bust out the maternity clothes next week.

I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. I think I may need to start taking my vitamins earlier in the day. I have awful heartburn and reflux most of the night so I have to sleep sitting up. I'm not very good at that so I usually have to take Rolaids and drink some water in the middle of the night. I'm also hungry almost constantly. I have to eat right before bed and I'll still wake up starving in the night.

For some reason I kept thinking that Saturday was Sunday so this picture is from Saturday. :)


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