Sunday, January 24, 2010


I realized I should probably do a new post for every week that way we can see the pregnancy progress. Today is six weeks for me per my calculations. That could change after the ultrasound. So far I'm doing ok. The last few weeks I was very moody and quick to anger and tears but this week things seem to have mellowed out. I called my mom in tears on Monday because I was feeling so sick and couldn't handle all of the changes going on in our personal life. Letting off some steam to her made me feel a million times better. I'm more relaxed and feel better equipped to handle what is to come.

My breasts have started to get sore finally but no really bigger. I'm having some constipation but nothing too terrible. The nausea isn't constant so that's nice, but when it comes on I'm pretty miserable. When I do get nauseous it seems to be at night time so I'm learning to take my vitamins and study meds earlier in the day. Fatigue seems to be leveling off or maybe I'm just getting used to it.

My first Dr's appt on Tuesday wasn't very eventful. She congratulated me, took my blood, and sent me on my merry way. I know there's not much you can do or see in the beginning so I expected that. My first official OB appt is set for Feb. 23 when I'm about 10 weeks. The ultrasound is only a week though!! She said that at my OB appt she'll check with ultrasound again to see if there is proper growth. Sweet! I get to see my babe twice in a month! My beta results came back at good levels.

23 dpo - 10,298
25 dpo - 18,244 When I put the levels into a beta calculator and database it showed that they were pretty high for a singleton pregnancy. I did implant pretty early so that could be why.

Work is getting difficult for me but we need the money so I keep trucking along trying to take it one day at a time. It looks like we'll be moving soon; hopefully by next month. I'm not looking forward to the packing and unpacking but it will be good for us to get into a smaller and more affordable house. We'll be looking at some places this week. I'm just praying that we can find a place that is good for us and will allow our dogs.

So that's basically it for this week. Here are some belly pictures to catch us up.

4 WEEKS (1.10.10)
1.10.10- 4 weeks!

5 WEEKS (1.17.10)
1.17.10- 5 weeks

6 WEEKS (1.24.10)


  1. Congrats on the pregnancy!!! And I'm pretty sure that's a little bump already popping up. Super cute.

  2. Thanks Amber. :) It just feels like chub to me. I can't wait for it to get hard so that it doesn't look like muffin top when my pants are on.
