Sunday, January 10, 2010

Wonders never cease!!

I am pregnant again!! This was our third cycle following miscarriage #3 and I found out at 9dpo that I’m pregnant! It was honestly a complete surprise. I didn’t leave any BDing to chance and nearly broke my poor insides, but it paid off! The line at 9dpo was fairly dark on a Dollar Tree test so I think it would have probably showed at even 8 dpo. I’m taking this as a very good sign since the earliest I’ve ever got a BFP was 11dpo and it was SUPER faint.

I didn’t really have many symptoms. The only thing that made me wonder was that my temps were unusually high and I had been very emotional over every little thing since about 5 or 6dpo. I still don’t have sore boobs or heartburn or constipation or any of the other early symptoms I had with the other losses. Major fatigue kicked in two days ago and I’ve had small twinges of nausea here and there but nothing major. The tiredness is killer though. I was actually crying because I was so tired and just wanted to go to bed last night. We had company over and I thought it would never end. And of course Steven kept talking and talking when all I wanted to do was sleep. Poor guy, he doesn’t get it.

I didn’t surprise him this time. I just told him with no fanfare and he didn’t say much. I think we’re both a little nervous to express excitement since it may not work out. I was complaining of my tummy hurting the other night, then said “never mind, it’s for a good reason”. I was surprised when his response was “not really”. Then he said something about how it’s a battle. I think he’s still feeling sad from the other losses and doesn’t want to have to go through it again. Hopefully he won’t have to. I hate disappointing him.

As for me, I’m psyched! I’m trying to keep it to a minimum but I was screaming and jumping around the house the day of my BFP. The dogs thought I had lost my mind or that they were in trouble and ran to their crates. I’m determined to enjoy this for as long as possible with every fiber of my being. I’m planning a nursery and registry list and names and all of the fun things that go along with it. I don’t care that I’m jumping the gun or may be in for a huge letdown. For now I’m pregnant and I’m planning for this baby to arrive in style. LoL. There’s no stopping me!

We haven’t told anyone yet as we want to keep it to ourselves for as long as possible. If you read this blog please don’t spread the word as we’d like to tell everyone in our own time. I’m aiming for 12 or 13 weeks which would be around mid March, but we’ll see if I can wait that long. My first Dr’s appointment is on Monday and I’m hoping she’ll talk about progesterone supplements. I want to give this baby every chance possible. Our first ultrasound is on Feb. 1st. I’ve calculated my due date as September 19th and my favorite nurse at the study put it at Sept. 18-20. I’m praying really hard to see a heartbeat (or two) at the ultrasound.

So to my sister who laughed at me for knowing my ovulation date, now the joke is on her. This is how you make a baby folks.

Work is going well and I think I’m fitting in there pretty nicely. One of the girls told me that I rocked at this job. LoL. It was nice to hear it, and my boss said I’m doing really well and she’s very pleased. It was hard for me to basically run around all day as it was, but with being pg it’s a whole new challenge. I’m exhausted when I get home and can barely eat some dinner then I’m passed out cold. I’ll gladly endure it for a healthy baby though.

Here’s some pictures of my chart and sticks!!

Jan chart!

9 dpo (1.5.10) am

1.5.10 AM

11 dpo compared with 9 dpo

1.7.10 evening

13 dpo

1.9.10 FMU

I think I can safely say that the numbers are going up!


  1. BEA-U-TI-FUL pee stix princess!!! I feel you on the exhaustion thing... Are u sure our husbands aren't in cahoots? Last night J invited some friends over for dominoes and decided to tell them all to bring their wives and kids... Lucky me. I was in no mood to hostess and actually disappeared for 15 minutes to hide in my room from all the noise :( Glad the job is going well. Power naps are a working mommy's best friend!

  2. This is terrefic news!!! congratulations!!! I don;t blame you for planning everything already, you shoulld be, because like you said, you ARE Pregnant!!!!! Life is good. SUch a nice way to start off the year!!

  3. Thanks ladies!! I'm such an emotional wreck. Please say this is normal. LoL. I had like 4 meltdowns yesterday over the dumbest things. I feel like a monster living in my body.
