Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Every week is getting significantly harder for me. Hard to move and sleep and harder to cope with the stresses and anxiety. I'm beyond anxious to go into labor and as much as I know I'll miss being pregnant when she comes, I still want to be done!

On Sunday Michelle and Charlotte came over to visit with Momma since she was gone most of Saturday. I think she's really happy with her new job, except the fact that it's so far away. This week she'll be settling in the room she's renting from a nice elderly lady.

Monday was a quiet day. I spent most of it sewing.

Tuesday was my 29th birthday and I woke up to a lovely breakfast. :) Steven had bought me yellow roses (my favorite) and decorated the kitchen with streamers and balloons. We had a nice breakfast and then headed out to the NST. Baby did great as always and then we had lunch at the Lazy Dog Cafe. We were early to our movie so we played around the arcade for a while. We saw "The Switch" and then spent a quiet evening at home.




Playing in the arcade.


Wednesday I finally finished my diaper bag! YAY! I swear that project took forever. I'm not sure why it's taking me five times longer than it should to finish anything I start. I'm really happy with how it turned out though. Michelle came over and we went to a few fabric stores to find fabric for her project at Char's school library and I got the fabric to finish the bumpers. It was a really long day but we were both happy with the results of our purchases. I couldn't believe how cheap my fabric was! I stayed at her house the rest of that evening and she made a wonderful dinner.



On Thursday we had our regular Dr. appointment and I met Dr. Spears for the first time. She's the OB that the clinic uses but she's been on maternity leave and is only in the clinic one afternoon per week. She was so nice and really supportive of my plan for little to no interventions and a natural birth. That was not at all what I expected. It's not very likely that she will be delivering me but if all the other Dr's on rotation at the hospital are as nice as her, then I'm not worried at all. I'm up 1 lb from last week to 201 lbs. I measured 35 weeks and with my new due date they considered me 38 weeks. She didn't seem concerned that I was measuring behind since there was some growth from last week. When she checked my cervix it was really painful and felt like she was digging around in there. After she told me that she did a stretch and sweep. My cervix isn't very ripe at all and still long and thick. She could only stretch me to 1 cm and swept my membranes in an effort to move things along. The rest of that day and all night I was very crampy. I don't know why but I was so discouraged and uncomfortable with all the cramping that night so Steven had me take some Tylenol and that helped me get some sleep. I lost some of my plug but there was no spotting. I have a feeling that this week is not the week for baby's arrival.

On Friday Michelle and Char came over to work on her project for the school library. Charlotte actually learned how to work the sewing machine by herself (mostly) and made two blankets for her babies all by herself. She's getting so grown up! Our NST and fluid scan went well and baby was more than cooperative. It seems that little girl likes the sound of her own heartbeat. She always starts dancing like crazy when the Doppler is put on her or the monitors at the hospital. Silly kiddo. :)

Saturday I worked on finishing up the bumper pads for the crib. I think they turned out really cute! It was Michelle's idea to put the ruffles and she found the fabric for the ties. I was getting so frustrated with the whole thing so I'm glad she was able to bring it all together. I love how they turned out and now I just need to make the crib skirt.


My picture is a few days late. I do have some small stretch marks now on my right side but still none on the belly. I'm not sure how that makes sense.


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