Monday, May 10, 2010

21 WEEKS! It's a ......

Monday was the big ultrasound!! The tech was very nice and although she didn't tell us much as far as the organs go, everything seemed ok. We haven't received any phone calls so I'm guessing that means our little one is healthy and whole. :) The best news was that we had confirmation that we are indeed having a little GIRL! Unfortunately they didn't give us a DVD and their policy is not to give pictures. But the tech printed us a beautiful profile shot on 5x7 photo paper. We immediately went and got a frame for it. I would scan the picture and post it here but our scanner is still in a box. It's on the list of things to do though.

I would have been overjoyed either way, boy or girl. But it's so nice to know she's a she so we can start really planning for her arrival! We haven't picked any names yet but we're talking about it. So far nothing is popping out that we both agree on.

I really was expecting to get some pictures from the 20 week scan to give to the Grandma's but unfortunately that didn't happen. :( I need to print some of the 17 week ones to give them. Steven wants to take them to a 3d/4d ultrasound when his Mom is coming out to visit in July. Should be fun!

Steven flew to Salt Lake early Wednesday morning to get my car. While he was there he had an interview and drove back on Saturday. He had a nice time visiting his Mom and driving RC trucks with Steve. I didn't really do much while he was gone because I haven't been feeling very well and my energy level is pretty low again.

On Saturday Mother and I met Michelley and Charlotte at her church for a Mother Daughter tea. We ended up leaving early and having a nice lunch at Mimi's Cafe and then Charlotte came home with us and we did some shopping. I got a card from Diane, and my favorite trouffles from Michelle. My Momma bought me a bunch of darling baby clothes. I also received a few texts which were very nice. :) When Steven got home he gave me a beautiful ring with our daughter's birth stone on it. Since she's due Sept 20th I think we have a good chance of her being born in that month. Haha! It's a beautiful ring and as soon as it's back from being sized I'll post a picture.

I'm feeling a bit ran down for no reason. I think perhaps little one is experiencing a growth spurt. She isn't kicking as much this week and I'm exhausted like I was in the first trimester. I have a lot of aches and pains but that's to be expected. I had some cramping and can feel my abdomen tightening when I walk around for more than 20 mintues. I think they are Braxton Hicks. I'll be asking the Dr. at my next appointment. My appetite is up and down and my sleeping patterns are terible. It seems all I do is sleep but never feel rested for some reason. I'm also having a lot of bad dreams so that's not helping matters.

This has felt like a big week for me. Something feels decidedly different. I'm not sure if it's becuase I'm in maternity clothes now (mostly, a few big things still fit), or because I feel so much bigger. Or because of the possibilities with Steven's interview or if it's from feeling so sluggish and sickly. The 20 week half way mark was a huge milestone and having my first Mother's Day was surreal. And now knowing that we have a daughter and feeling movement. I think it's all just more real. I've had some anxiety about being a good parent, and labor, and everything inbetween. Luckily I have a great support system and can go somewhere quiet to pray when I feel overwhelmed. Either way, God has been abundantly good to us.

Here's my 21 week picture. I'm much bigger in the evenings than when I wake up in the morning. I think next week I'll do one in the morning and evening to compare.


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