Sunday, February 7, 2010


Today is 8 weeks! I think this is the farthest I've ever made it!

Symptoms for this past week have been:

Nausea is better under control. I still feel queasy many times a day but not enough to run to the bathroom. If I keep eating small meals and taking my B6 I seem to do ok. Food is gaining back some of it's appeal also so I feel more human. When I eat though I get full very quickly. A few small meals is usually all I can manage a day.

Boobs are HUGE! I'm busting out of my bras to the poin that it hurts to wear them. My nipples are incredibly sore and red and seem to be having stuff oozing out already. From what I've heard it's a bit early for this but maybe I'm crazy.

Fatigue has come back with a vengeance. I thought the bone numbing tiredness was on it's way out but this week it has returned and I am a victim of constant napping. Even while out running errands I had to stay in the car and sleep while Steven ran in. I just couldn't face walking around. It's crazy how tired this makes me.

Cravings are starting a little bit. I woke up at 6:30 this morning thinking Dorritos sounded awesome! Then I immediately felt stupid for thinking that. haha.

My dreams are crazy. Not only did I wake up wanting Dorritos I was angry at Steven half the morning for a dream I had in which he made me angry. Poor guy, he kept asking "What's wrong?" "What did I do?". I didn't have the heart to tell him I'm nuts and he pissed me off in a dream of all things. It generally takes me a full hour to wake up and clear my mind so by the time he was ready for the day I was much nicer.

As far as symtpoms go that's about it. I told my boss that I'm pregnant and she was very nice and understanding about it. I'm not sure what I expected but it wasn't that. I promised them a year commitment and won't be able to fulfill that as this baby is due in Sept and I started in Nov. I told her vaguely of my history of loss so if I need to have another D&C (God forbid) at least they won't be surprised at my taking time off. But she said that she loves me working there and that they'll do all they can to accomodate me and keep me on whatever happens in the future.

In other events one of our platys had babies! We have about 40 tiny little fishies in our tank now and need to figure out a solution for them soon. Apparently platys do this quite frequently so I think this will be the only "litter" we're going to raise. They grow so quickly! I think it's fun watching them all grow.

Here's the belly pic for this week. I don't see much change.

2.7.10 - 8 WEEKS


  1. Wow, I cannot believe your 8 weeks already!!! Time is flying!!! sorry the m/s is back. I hear being tired is the worst.

    Yay on the fish having babies. When you said that, it just occurred to me that ours never have in the years that we have had them. Do you think they have been struck with the Infertile curse too?

  2. Thanks :) Infertile fish? It sure would make me feel better to know that all creatures can be affected. They probably are all just eaten before you see them. We just happened to notice a little tiny one swimming around and promptly got chomped up. So DH separated her from the rest and then she started eating them too! So he had to stay up and pull the babies out as soon as she had them.

  3. Right after my loss last spring, I feral cat crawled under my house and had a litter of kittens, then abandoned them a few weeks later. I was up every 2 hours in the night bottle feeding unweaned kittens ! It seemed rather ironic to me at the time, but I was pleased at least something in my house was fertile.

    Im so happy to read that your pregnancy is still going well.

    I would love to see a picture of the baby fish. lol @ the mother eating them. I wonder if thats a function of her being in captivity.

  4. LoL about something in your house being fertile. I bet you got really attached to those kittens. How cute!
