I wish I could sit down and update this every Sunday as I originally intended but it seems to be difficult to find the time. It's Tuesday but I'm writing about last week. But what a busy week full of changes it has been!
My symptoms have been pretty much the same. Sore boobs, very tired, some nausea, not much of an appetite, not sleeping well, frequent urination, very thirsty. My tummy is no longer bloated and is now very firm to the touch. It feels like the swelling is pushing upward and not just in my lower abdomen. I think I might have lost some more weight. My pants are all baggy in the rear and leg areas but tight around the middle. My shirts however are all too tight from my growing breasts and belly. I feel very out of porportion. I really need to get a new bra (again) but as soon as I buy one I outgrow it! On Sunday I had a lot of pains in my pelvic area and was starting to get worried. I guess it's just from everything growing and being rearranged in there. It was quite uncomfortable!
Another thing has come back...and that is being teary and emotional over EVERYTHING! I haven't really been angry but little things like seeing the sink full of dishes, or wanting to sleep but can't, or seeing some stray dog makes me tear up. Steven and I decided to get rid of our catfish becuase he's a brat face and picking on everyone in the tank. When he was trying to catch the little guy he got his fin stuck in the net and I was crying the whole 15 mintues it took to get him free. He wasn't hurt and after the trauma wore off (about 3 mintues) he was back up to his old tricks but I insisted on leaving him in there for another day. You should have seen the look on Steven's face like I had lost my senses but I was so adamant about it that he didn't fight me and took the little guy back to the store while I was gone the next day. I have a feeling this is only going to get worse.
The fatigue has taken on a whole new level I never thought possible. I honestly feel like I've had the worst flu of my life for a week and am trying to move around again. I get winded so easily and dizzy. My heart feels like it's working overtime and nausea is always lurking around the corner. I'm eating only a fraction of my usual intake becuase I get full so quickly. But if I let my self go without eating for more than 3 hours I start feeling sick. I feel like I could sleep for a week at any moment but when I try to sleep it's not restful.
Almost everyone at work knows now and another girl said she was a few weeks behind me! It's exciting to have another preggo buddy at work. People kept commenting on my weight loss and how tired I looked so I had to spill the beans. Honestly I was surprised because I felt like I looked fatter! LoL I'm so glad to report that even though I feel awful and have the energy level of a sloth, my work performance has not suffered at all! Even the owner's husband told me what a great job I'm doing and how thankful he is of my hard work and he's not the type to give compliments. Me and the Sales Manager are the only ones who met our sales quotas last month and exceeded them enough to recieve extra pay from the bonus structure. My paychecks have really been helping us out and if I can keep that up we may have enough for some extras around here like a new mattress and strobes for my home studio. Not to mention all of the baby things that will need purchasing. God has been so good to me! I just take things day by day and do my best to not worry about tomorrow.
I bought my first two pregnancy related items the other day. It's called "The Belly Book" and I found it at Barnes and Noble. It's a really cute book to document your pregnancy in with all of fun nuances my body is doing. There's also a place for weekly belly pictures and ultrasound photos. I haven't started it yet as part of me thinks as soon as I start it I'll lose this baby. I wouldn't really call it a superstition becuase I don't believe in that. I'm sure I'll feel much better after my OB appointment this afternoon and seeing the baby moving around. The other thing I bought was my first piece of maternity clothing. A pretty green shirt I found at Old Navy for $5! Woot! And it's nice enough to wear to work. I think in a few short weeks I'll be able to wear it.
Steven is continuing his job search and some recent added stresses have caused that to be kicked into full gear. So far he's had some good leads so we'll see if they turn into anything. We're open to moving anywhere for the right job at the moment so we're praying hard for the right opportunity to present itself. I'm not going to worry until May when our health insurance is up.
I just found out that I can turn my blog into a book for a very reasonable price! I'm so excited! Now I'll be able to keep all of these memories long after this pregnancy is over. I'll have to be more dilligant about writing (and spell checking). :)
Here is the latest belly pic. It's not much bigger but it's changing shape I think.